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Symfony 7: Fundamentals


Service container

  • contains services but also parameters;
# Show services
symfony console debug:container


  • can autowire: service, parameter, doctrine entity, symfony request class;
  • available in:
  • controller: constructor (recommended), and methods (avoid);
  • service constructor;
  • if multiple services implement the same interface, one option is to use Named autowiring
# Show all the services that are autowireable
php bin/console debug:autowiring

# Search for service
php bin/console debug:autowiring cache

Autowire non-autowireable service


  • provide stuff, including services
  • needs activating (recipe does that automatically;
  • register bundles in application: config/bundles.php;
  • Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle registers services when installing Symfony components;
  • config/packages/: configure specific bundle;
# Get info about one specific bundle
symfony console debug:container http

# Check if it can be autowired
symfony console debug:autowiring http


  • they are in the service container
  • available in controller: getParameter()
  • can be available as service parameters but need autowire configuration: Non-Autowireable Arguments
  • approach: create a local factory/service and send the parameters from the controller to the service method;
  • stuff that can change on each computer: .env
  • stuff that does not change on each computer, but can be different between environments: config/services_dev.yaml, config/services_prod.yaml
  • can read stuff from .env: Environment Variables
# See list
bin/console debug:container --parameters